Frank Turner -
300 Reasons
Not To Be An Idiot

Dieser Ein­trag ver­sam­melt einige der ca. 300 von Frank Turn­er ange­führten Gründe, kein Idiot zu sein. Er dient auss­chließlich zu Doku­men­ta­tions- und Recherchezweck­en sowie zu meinem Pri­vatvergnü­gen und wird bei entsprechen­dem Infor­ma­tions­fluß fort­laufend erweit­ert. Danke den­noch für die Aufmerk­samkeit! Wenn Dein Grund hier noch fehlt, freue ich mich auf Deinen Kommentar!

This entry is try­ing to gath­er some (maybe all?) of the 300 „Rea­sons Not To Be An Idiot“ of the cor­re­spon­dent vinyl record by Frank Turn­er.  If „your“ rea­son is miss­ing please leave a com­ment here includ­ing the num­ber of the record! Thanks!

Rea­son #003: Because no one real­ly cares…
Rea­son #009: Because you will miss your fuck­ing bus!
Rea­son #010: Because the shops are clos­ing in 10 minutes…
Rea­son #021: Because peo­ple are try­ing to sleep in here!
Rea­son #033: Because the wind might change and you’ll be stuck like that forever
Rea­son #042: Because you might end up with Rus­sell Brand’s hair
Rea­son #063: Because my name ain’t real­ly Frank…
Rea­son #069: Because Prison won’t make you a man.
Rea­son #070: Because New Labour is full.
Rea­son #090: Because you have to pay for your sins sometime…
Rea­son #114: Because i need you to keep buy­ing my records
Rea­son #115: Because it but­ters no parsnips
Rea­son #131: Because you should leave point­less­ness to blunt pencils
Rea­son #148: Because Rick-Rolling isn’t fun­ny anymore
Rea­son #160: Because the dif­fer­ence between Ital­ian espres­so and cocain is, frankly, academic
Rea­son #176: Because Joe Strum­mer is nev­er com­ing back.
Rea­son #195: Because if Crass called the Clash „The Cash“, they’d sure­ly laugh if they saw my stash.
Rea­son #196: Because integri­ty don’t keep you warm and sane.
Rea­son #206: Because Hol­ly­wood just wants to eat your soul
Rea­son #207: Because if ratio­nal­ists take their eye off the ball, the god squad creep in through the back door again.
Rea­son #217: Because polit­i­cal cor­rect­ness is just lin­guis­tic fascism.
Rea­son #219: Because I’m a Man, he’s a PC and you’re a Fas­cist (lin­ux)
Rea­son #221: Because my battery’s run­ning low
Rea­son #235: Because Art School is too cool.
Rea­son #259: Because lev­el-cross­ing deaths slow down the traffic
Rea­son #265: Because Dum­b­le­dore dies at the end.
Rea­son #293: Because I’m not the out­door type…
Rea­son #299: Because the only thing that’s left to do is live.
Rea­son #305: Because the line between col­lec­tivism and tyran­ny is a thin one indeed
Rea­son #314: Because I look noth­ing like Brett of Flight of the Conchords.
Rea­son #318: Because the inter­net = Skynet.
Rea­son #321: Because i’d for­got­ten how dull writ­ing these rea­sons out is…