The Weakerthans — „Live at the Burton Cummings Theatre“

Gute Nachricht­en aus Kana­da: The Weak­erthans nehmen an den Olymp­is­chen Spie­len in Van­cou­ver teil und wer­den Olympiasieger im mehrstim­mi­gen Chorge­sang. The Weak­erthans kündi­gen für Ende März ihr erstes Live-Album an.

The Weak­erthans new DVD/CD/LP „Live at the Bur­ton Cum­mings The­atre“, set for release on March 23, offers a jubi­lant tes­ta­ment to the Win­nipeg band’s con­sid­er­able cre­ative pow­ers as both lit­er­ary mind­ed song­writ­ers and charis­mat­ic live performers.

The live DVD was record­ed in April of 2009 as the band toured in sup­port of their album „Reunion Tour“ with an expand­ed line-up fea­tur­ing trum­pet, vio­lin and female vocals, play­ing songs from all four acclaimed releas­es in front of an ador­ing and ethu­si­as­tic home­town crowd.

Even the DVD/CD/LP’s art­work is a painit­ng by bassist Greg Smith, one of sev­er­al pieces inspired while on the April tour. From the songs to the live per­for­mance to the visu­al pre­sen­ta­tion, all in all, the DVD/CD/LP cap­tures moments in time. A musi­cal expe­ri­ence shared by a band and their fans.

Avail­able every­where March 23, 2010.

Nun heißt es, in ges­pan­nter Vor­freude auszuhar­ren und die Zeit mit Live­musik aus der Kon­serve zu über­brück­en.

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