Ben Lee vs. Against Me!

Der aus­tralis­che Song­writer Ben Lee hat der amerikanis­chen Punkband Against Me! einen feinen Dienst erwiesen: Er hat deren Songs gecovert. Nicht einen, nicht zwei, nicht drei, nein, gle­ich ein ganzes Album. Und zwar das großar­tige „New Wave“ aus dem let­zten Jahr. Die Songs gibt es für lau zum Down­load. Prädikat: abso­lut hörenswert.

folder.jpg WHY I COVERED THE ENTIRE „AGAINST ME!“ ALBUM „NEW WAVE“ A cou­ple of weeks ago I down­loaded the new „Against Me!“ album „New Wave“. I did­nt real­ly know too much about this band but had been read­ing lots of good things about it, and my friend Tegan sings on it. I like to keep myself up to date with whats going on musi­cal­ly in the world, so I checked it out. I fell in love with the album. Real­ly. Like, could­n’t stop lis­ten­ing to it. As heavy and gnarly as it sounds at times, it is unmis­tak­ably a pop mas­ter­piece. Lis­ten­ing to it on the way to Aus­tralia, I won­dered to myself how these songs would sound acousti­cal­ly. A cou­ple of days lat­er I was on a flight from Syd­ney to Mel­bourne and had the thought „I’d love to cov­er this album.“ The whole thing. Begin­ning to end. So I did. Any­way, here are the results. If you already know the orig­i­nal album, I hope these record­ings shed a dif­fer­ent light on it. If you don’t know „Against Me!“ and like what you hear, go check them out. Nic Johns is the unspo­ken hero of this tale. He record­ed, pro­duced and mixed it and basi­cal­ly made my dream a real­i­ty. Hats off to him. Hope you guys dig it. Enjoy. Ben

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